Lambda authorizer

Using a basic authorization mechanism is better than nothing.

The Lambda authorizer is somewhat convoluted due to the particulars of how AWS' format works.

Here's the code:

import { APIGatewayProxyResult, AuthResponse } from "aws-lambda";

import fetch, { Response } from "node-fetch";

import { AuthorizationHeaderError } from "../../application/errors/AuthorizationHeaderError";
import { InvalidVerificationCodeError } from "../../application/errors/InvalidVerificationCodeError";
import { MissingSecurityApiEndpoint } from "../../application/errors/MissingSecurityApiEndpoint";


 * @description Authorizer that will check the `event.Authorization` header
 * for a slot ID (separated by a pound sign, or "hash tag") and a verification code
 * and validate it against the Security API.
 * @example `Authorization: b827bb85-7665-4c32-bb3c-25bca5d3cc48#abc123` header.
export async function handler(event: EventInput): Promise<AuthResponse> {
  try {
    // @ts-ignore
    if (event.httpMethod === "OPTIONS") return handleCors();
    if (!SECURITY_API_ENDPOINT_VERIFY) throw new MissingSecurityApiEndpoint();

    const { slotId, verificationCode } = getValues(event);
    if (!slotId || !verificationCode) throw new AuthorizationHeaderError();

    // Verify code
    const isCodeValid = await validateCode(slotId, verificationCode);
    if (!isCodeValid) throw new InvalidVerificationCodeError();

    return generatePolicy(verificationCode, "Allow", event.methodArn, "");
  } catch (error: any) {
    const { slotId } = getValues(event);
    const id = slotId ? slotId : "UNKNOWN";
    return generatePolicy(id, "Deny", event.methodArn, {});

 * @description Get required values
function getValues(event: EventInput) {
  const header = event.headers["Authorization"] || "";
  const [slotId, verificationCode] = header.split("#");
  return {

 * @description CORS handler.
function handleCors() {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    headers: {
      "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": true,
      "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "OPTIONS,POST,GET",
      Vary: "Origin",
    body: JSON.stringify("OK"),
  } as APIGatewayProxyResult;

 * @description Creates the IAM policy for the response.
 * @see
const generatePolicy = (
  principalId: string,
  effect: string,
  resource: string,
  data: string | Record<string, any>
) => {
  return {
    context: {
      stringKey: JSON.stringify(data),
    policyDocument: {
      Version: "2012-10-17",
      Statement: [
          Action: "execute-api:Invoke",
          Effect: effect,
          Resource: resource,

 * @description Validate a code.
async function validateCode(
  slotId: string,
  verificationCode: string
): Promise<boolean> {
  return await fetch(SECURITY_API_ENDPOINT_VERIFY, {
    body: JSON.stringify({
      code: verificationCode,
    method: "POST",
    .then((response: Response) => response.json())
    .then((result: boolean) => {
      if (result === true) return true;
      return false;
    .catch((error: any) => {
      return false;

 * @description Very basic approximation of the
 * required parts of the incoming event.
type EventInput = {
  headers: Record<string, string>;
  httpMethod: "GET" | "POST" | "PATCH" | "OPTIONS";
  methodArn: string;

Most of its contents are pure boilerplate that you can copy between projects to your heart's content.

The particulars in the handler are:

if (event.httpMethod === "OPTIONS") return handleCors();

if (!SECURITY_API_ENDPOINT_VERIFY) throw new MissingSecurityApiEndpoint();

const { slotId, verificationCode } = getValues(event);
if (!slotId || !verificationCode) throw new AuthorizationHeaderError();

// Verify code
const isCodeValid = await validateCode(slotId, verificationCode);
if (!isCodeValid) throw new InvalidVerificationCodeError();

return generatePolicy(verificationCode, "Allow", event.methodArn, "");

First of all, if this is a call from a source where CORS might be an issue we handle that case. Next, we ensure there is a constant set for our endpoint, or we throw an error. This one is serious if we hit this one, but at least we'll know it's a configuration issue and nothing else.

Then we see how the implementation expects an Authorization header to have a specific format with {SLOT_ID}#{VERIFICATION_CODE}. Therefore we'll split by the hash, check their presence of them, and throw an error if either is missing.

The actual validation then is nothing more than calling the endpoint that has been configured. If it is incorrect we return an error indicating this. If all is good, then we'll hit the positive branch of generatePolicy().

Last updated