
Let's get down to brass tax, shall we?

The expensive and outdated room booking system at your company has been making life miserable for pretty much everyone there. Your team has volunteered to replace the system with a cost-efficient custom-made implementation, with a target of doing so within the space of a couple of weeks. To drive down cost and maintenance you've already settled on using serverless cloud technologies as the core components.

You've just had a brainstorming session and a requirements workshop together with stakeholders from the business and office management side of things, as well as with some front-end developers in the company.

Now comes the real question: How do you design the system?

Functional requirements

For now, these are the identified high-level requirements:

  • Reserve a single room in a single facility (your office) and your time zone.

  • Reserve the room in slots of 1 hour at the start of each hour.

  • Allow for the cancellation of room reservations.

  • Allow for rooms that are not checked in within 10 minutes of their starting time to be canceled automatically.

Non-functional requirements

The provided non-functional requirements (quality attributes) are:

  • The solution needs to have at least some minimum hygiene level of resilience and security.


When it comes to integration work:

  • Assume that the front end should be able to request an updated view on bookings.

  • Assume that the front end will provide input.

  • The user name.

  • The room name or ID.

  • The start and end times of the slot.


Your team will focus on providing the back end, APIs, and such; the front end is out of scope for your team.

How will you address this challenge?

Last updated